Care and Support Services
Vibrant Supported Housing offer services in each of our supported supported living schemes. We can offer services to individuals who need support with:
Life skills training
Understanding nutrition
Cooking and baking
Preparing shopping list, going shopping
Budgeting for food, bills, clothing, recreation
Cleaning & maintaining bedrooms and communal areas
Laundering & ironing clothing and bedding
Maintaining socially acceptable levels of personal hygiene
Accessing recreational & educational facilities
Assistance with benefits/bills
Accessing welfare benefits
Managing benefits
Filling out forms
Maintaining housing tenancies
Ensuring rent and other bills, debts are paid
Opening up bank/savings accounts
Accessing professional help & liaison with other agencies
Accessing training, education & employment opportunities
Accessing specialist drugs and counselling services
Registering with GPs, Dentists, and Opticians
Arranging and attending appointments
Liaising with social workers, care co-ordinators and other representatives
Liaising with Benefits Agencies
Health & Safety advice
Monitoring physical health & diet
Health & safety training in the kitchen and home
Operating & maintaining kitchen equipment safely
Safe food hygiene and storage